"Clear your mind,
Open your heart,
Be Grateful
And ... See what happens!" Robert Govinda Frutos
What is a higher heart workshop?
It is a practice using simple elements of Qigong to facilitate emotional healing and and complete opening of the heart.
There is emphasis on the setting of the Chi field, on the full understanding of what that means, using the original Chinese understanding as well as a simple translation. Setting the field shows you how to come into your own internal alignment, no matter what the circumstances; how to position yourself in relationship to the world around you; how to expand exponentially into a field of absolute potential and how to bring that expansion deep into your body to illuminate every cell, every part of your being.
We also learn La Chi – a simple method of gathering qi – practically applying an expansion out to the Chi field (to Universal energy, to a place of harmony with no duality) and allowing the harmonized energy deep inside, reminding us of our true potential. We learn how to gather chi energy for self-healing of any part of the body, and then will focus on the heart, healing, opening, expanding and hooking up to “higher heart”, opening up to the fifth dimension.
Finally, we do an exercise for grounding, as we want to ground the fabulous expansive energy into the body.
Why do a practice of the heart?
Our previous patterns can affect how free we are, our past hurts can stop us from truly enjoying the life we have in the present. There is often a background tape playing from old experiences which colors 'now'. So, how do we clear the old in order to be truly happy?
I have found (as have many others) that the key lies in the heart. When the heart is open, everything can open, everything can shift. It is the fulcrum of all the dimensions.
As our heart quiets and opens, we learn to listen to our intuition more clearly, our life becomes simpler and happier. Our way of looking at the world becomes more loving and respectful. We eliminate judgements of ourselves and of others. We develop a more expansive, loving relationship with ourselves and with everyone and everything.......... and much, much more.
How did this practice come into being?
For several months leading up to my 60th birthday, I became aware of how much my heart was hurting – there was nothing physically wrong that I was aware of, but, every day, for most of the day, I was aware that my heart hurt, and I felt it as a physical pain. Life brings challenges, along with the great growth and opportunities. Though I learned so much about Qigong, about life, about love and about human potential during the years of my son's illness, there was also residual trauma and sadness. Most, if not all of us, have dealt with loss, abandonment, illness, lack of self worth etc. during the course of our lives. Whatever it is, if it is not resolved, it will continue to affect us. Places in my own heart which were still tight and defensive were preventing me from being TRULY happy, truly joyful.
On my birthday, I was taken to a sacred, healing area at the top of a waterfall, (see the picture above) and my birthday prayer was, “Please show me how to heal my heart”. I was shown how to do just this, using the practical tool of Qigong that I have already honed.
As I found how effective and totally transformational this practice was, I began to teach it. I did so in a simplified way, so that people who did not have the years of Qigong training that I have could easily learn and apply the practice for themselves.
I found that this simpler way of practicing was even more effective. Easy to learn, easy to apply and life changing!
The following is an excerpt from my book:
How do I practice?
In workshops and classes, I help to facilitate the connection, but, it is my belief that it is possible to learn and practice through your own inspiration and the heart practice technique that I will now share. It is really very simple.
As you use the practice to heal and open your own heart, be patient and kind towards yourself. Have compassion for yourself as you do the practice. But do the practice often whether you feel anything or not. Sometimes it feels as though the heart is opening, sometimes not, but remember it is the intention, and if your intention is for a fully opened heart, then that is what will happen.
A woman in class described her heart as molasses, as she was allowing love back in. I told her that was great - molasses moves, even if slowly. When I began, it felt as though my heart was as solid as a rock! - but, with practice it still opened.
Sometimes the concept of allowing love into your heart can be tricky, especially if you don't yet realize that you deserve to be loved. When my heart was stuck, I gently talked to it, encouraging it, letting it know it was safe. Knowing that we are safe is a key, but I found that the understanding that we are a generator of love is even more important. We are capable of giving love, great love – all of us – it is part of being human and learning our lessons on Earth.
And … if we are given love, we are capable of multiplying it and giving even more love back.
Any mother who has held her newborn baby has experienced this. Bonding with a newborn is simply this exchange of love, back and forth, back and forth until there is nothing but love.
This is what I mean by a generator of love – it comes from inside your heart. Especially for women, it has been easy and natural for us to give, but many times less easy to let that love back in. It has often been difficult for women to love themselves.
We can use the concept of being a love generator to help re-train both our hearts and our minds. If we understand that when allow love to flow into our hearts, more love can be given out, we are more willing to accept the love given to us. When we know that we will have more to give, we are more willing to allow love in. We keep expanding our love, so we allow ourselves more nurturing, more trust and thus we have even more to share with our loved ones. We come to know that we are totally loved by the universe, totally deserving of that love and we can give that universal love to everyone. We are capable of magnifying love that is given to us and we are capable of generating love – we are love generators!
Heart practice is a simple, practical method.
If you feel a resistance at first, that is natural – we are not used to such a level of trust, but when you DO allow it, it is magnificent and SO worth it! Allowing love in helps areas of tightness is your heart to relax and release. Your intention alone will start the process. Allow your heart and thymus to energetically expand out to the chi field and then allow the infinite love of the Universe to come directly back into the heart, opening, removing and releasing all blockages.