Zhineng Qigong.
What is Zhineng Qigong?
Zhineng Qigong is a profound practice developed by Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming at the Huaxia Qigong Center in China. This practice is easy to learn and is transformative on every level.
Zhineng means wisdom - the wisdom, not just of the mind, but of the heart. Zhi means wisdom and intelligence. Neng roughly translates to ability and capability. It refers to the innate wisdom of the universe and the innate wisdom that is within each one of us.
The practice of Zhineng Qigong literally changes the pathways in the brain - as we practice, we replace all our old, limiting thoughts with a new, expansive awareness of unlimited possibilities. This brings health to our physical bodies, stability to our emotions, calming and clarity to our minds and expansiveness to our Spiritual lives.
"We cultivate our own life energy through accessing nature's great store of life energy (qi). This approach produces quick results. But cultivating one's qi is not the most fundamental; cultivating one's spirit is. Mastery of qi is really achieved through mastery of consciousness. We use consciousness in a careful, craftsman-like way, to shape our life, to attain our goals. If we use modern terminology to name this process, we call it qigong..." "…in modern terms, qigong is just the refinement of consciousness to enhance the state of energy in the body. This leads to vibrant health, a harmonious body and mind, and an awakened spiritual life.”
Dr. Ming Pang, creator of Zhineng Qigong
Through gentle movement, visualization, sound, breath and conscious intention, the ancient, yet cutting-edge, practice of Qigong dynamically restores the life energy and creative power within oneself. As the underlying causes of life's challenges are released, (among them, the imbalances that we once thought were the norm) one is harmonized with the universal source and is reminded of who we truly are. We reconnect to the vital energy streams of life, to the natural flow and rhythm of the Universe. With this practice, we amplify the web of positive changes for ourselves, our loved ones and planet Earth.
What is Zhineng Qigong?
Zhineng Qigong is a profound practice developed by Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming at the Huaxia Qigong Center in China. This practice is easy to learn and is transformative on every level.
Zhineng means wisdom - the wisdom, not just of the mind, but of the heart. Zhi means wisdom and intelligence. Neng roughly translates to ability and capability. It refers to the innate wisdom of the universe and the innate wisdom that is within each one of us.
The practice of Zhineng Qigong literally changes the pathways in the brain - as we practice, we replace all our old, limiting thoughts with a new, expansive awareness of unlimited possibilities. This brings health to our physical bodies, stability to our emotions, calming and clarity to our minds and expansiveness to our Spiritual lives.
"We cultivate our own life energy through accessing nature's great store of life energy (qi). This approach produces quick results. But cultivating one's qi is not the most fundamental; cultivating one's spirit is. Mastery of qi is really achieved through mastery of consciousness. We use consciousness in a careful, craftsman-like way, to shape our life, to attain our goals. If we use modern terminology to name this process, we call it qigong..." "…in modern terms, qigong is just the refinement of consciousness to enhance the state of energy in the body. This leads to vibrant health, a harmonious body and mind, and an awakened spiritual life.”
Dr. Ming Pang, creator of Zhineng Qigong
Through gentle movement, visualization, sound, breath and conscious intention, the ancient, yet cutting-edge, practice of Qigong dynamically restores the life energy and creative power within oneself. As the underlying causes of life's challenges are released, (among them, the imbalances that we once thought were the norm) one is harmonized with the universal source and is reminded of who we truly are. We reconnect to the vital energy streams of life, to the natural flow and rhythm of the Universe. With this practice, we amplify the web of positive changes for ourselves, our loved ones and planet Earth.
Level One Zhineng Qigong.
Level one is a simple, elegant, easy to learn form. It is basically an energy exchange between the energy of the body and the limitless, expansive energy of the universe. First, we use a simple expansive meditation and/or the eight phrases practice to connect to the Chi field. Then through simple movements, with a constant rhythm of absorbing and releasing energy, we "dance" with universal energy. With each movement, we are bringing in the harmony of the universe, and we are opening blockages in our body and mind. We learn to RELAX (really relax), we relax and allow healing, loving energy deep into our organs (our kidneys, our hearts, our lungs.) We being harmonized energy into the bone marrow, activating our immune system. We allow movement into areas of our shoulders that have become tense, releasing neck and shoulder pain. We relax our lower back, allowing our bodies to relax and ground. We activate the parasympathetic nervous system which, (unlike the flight or fight mode that most people live in), feeds and nourishes our entire system.
We activate our own inner smile!
Level Two Zhineng Qigong.
Level two is designed to open up all the meridians. It also exercises all of the tendons and joints in the body. Level two, while it is a complete form, can also be practice part by part to deal with certain specific illnesses - i.e. high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck compression, prostate cancer etc. As specific blockages are released, the energy exchange of level one becomes even more effective. Level two is also begun by setting the chi field.
In my book - "Aloha Qigong", Practice of the Heart, I don't try to teach either of these forms in detail. They are more easily learned with a teacher (or even a video). I DO however teach deeper elements of qigong which are vital to any practice - what you are connecting to; how to connect, why and how the energy works to transform you; where the energy is being directed.
I cover the setting of the Chi field in great depth and also introduce simple practices for inner transformation which can easily be shared through a book - the practice of La Chi (a simple way of gathering qi energy from the universe which has similar result to practicing level one, and is, in fact, the essence of level one.) I also teach chi massage - a method of bringing qi energy deep into the organs, along with other elements, including the heart practice.